Welcome, everyone, to the Amida Lottery! Today, we're going to help a girl reach her goal of getting to the clarinet at the end of the ladder game. Here's how it works: the Amida Lottery is a traditional Japanese game where players try to navigate a labyrinthine path to reach their desired prize. In this case, our prize is the clarinet at the end of the ladder game.
To play, start at the top (the girl) and follow the lines until you reach the bottom of the game. If there is a line going sideways as you go down, you must cross that line (the ladder) and continue doing so until you reach the bottom - and hope it's the clarinet to win the game!
So let's get started by saving the image below and tracing the lines and start at any line you think ends on the clarinet . If you're stuck on how to play, look at our answers and play!